
Hej fra Danmark!

It's been only a little more than a week since I arrived in Denmark yet it feels like I have been here forever. A lot has happened and before we talk about the details let me just tell you that everything has been amazing so far! 

I spent the first two days exploring Copenhagen with my family and I cannot wait to get back to the city! I fell in love with Tivoli all over again and Strøget made me desperate to get a summer job for the next year (thank you Gucci store for making me want to buy everything from there). 

Exactly a week ago I arrived at the boarding school and since then it's been hectic. My room is on the third floor and me and my mom carried five huge bags all the way up to my room in rain! Perhaps I shouldn't have brought all my belongings with me here but at least my room ended up looking very cute!

 I've met so many amazing people and living together for a week has made it feel like we've known each other for much longer than seven days! The best thing about boarding school is that we actually get to live together and you're never alone! 

For once I've been enjoying school as well! IB seems to be a ton of work but all our lessons have been very interesting and I love my subjects so I am pretty confident about school for now. We'll see if my opinion changes after a few assignments and math tests (which, let's be honest, I am absolutely terrified of)

Besides that everything has been incredible and I honestly cannot wait to spend the next two years in Denmark!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot wait to hear more about denmark and your time there! I have never been but it is definitely on my travel bucket list. I love the second photo and your room looks super cute! Worth carrying it all the way up. And I feel your pain. I live in a flat on the fourth floor without an elevator and moving in, with many many boxes as well as furniture was so much fun. Well we did kinda get a work out in there :D got to be positive :D

    Have a lovely day!

    Jenny Side Up
