


As I already told in the first post, I am soon moving to Nyborg, Denmark to finish my IB Diploma there and in this post I wanted to give more information regarding moving to Denmark. I am later going to post more about my thoughts and preparations et cetera but as for today, I will answer the basic questions that no one asked but maybe would be good to know if you for some reason want to follow my blog in the future

So here are most of the whys and hows that may be useful to know:


I will be going to Denmark at the beginning of August as the school year there starts on 13th of August and before that there are some practical things such as going to IKEA (I mean I'm not going to live those two years without a nice looking dorm!) and working things out with Wifi that I have to do. 

In total I'm hoping to live in Denmark for two school years but I will come back to Finland during the holidays. Obviously you never know what will happen and if I for some reason do not like it there at all, I may stay there only for a year or so.


As I told in my first post, the main reason is simply the desire to see the world and moving abroad has been a dream of mine since I was very young. I chose Denmark mainly because I found a nice school from there and the country offers free education so I only have to pay for the boarding school (which is also one of the reasons I decided to apply to the school I did). Denmark is not very far away from Finland so it is easy to go back home but it's also closer to the rest of Europe which makes it easier for me to travel to Central Europe (I mean it takes three hours and twenty euros to travel from Odense, Denmark to Hamburg, Germany by bus, how amazing is that?). 

For some people it may seem pointless to move abroad for high school especially since the IB is exactly the same here in Finland as it is in Denmark and "I have a lot of time to travel after high school" but this is my dream to be able to explore the world and meet people from all around the world so why should I wait if I have a chance to start it already now? Also my new school offers better IB subjects for me so in that case it will be better for my studies too.


The school I'm attending is in Nyborg, which is a small town located in the Funen-island, the third largest island in Denmark. To my relief, the third most populous city in Denmark, Odense, is only a short train ride away from Nyborg, so I can go there whenever I get tired to the "small town life". Also the big cities Copenhagen and Aarhus are both only about 1,5 hour train ride away from the town and I am very excited to get to explore all those places!

Nyborg itself seems like such a lovely little town as well with cute old buildings, an amazing castle and the Great Belt Bridge that connects the Funen and Zealand islands together.

As I mentioned before, I will be living in a boarding school, so I will get a dorm from the school and I am very excited about that! At least what I have been told that the school itself is very modern and they have tons of interesting things such as a movie room, a gym and a pool, for boarders. I am very excited to see the school in August!

Here you have a bit more information about the move but I will for sure write lots of more posts about this in the future! If someone actually reads this, feel free to ask any questions in the comments!

See you soon!

xxx Ronja

(I do not own any of the photos)


  1. Hei siistiä! Itse tein lähes saman, eli muutin Norjaan ja myöhemmin Ruotsiin IB:tä tekemään. Voin sanoa, että ainakin omalla kohdallani kaikki on mennyt yllättävän helposti ja on ihan turha kuunnella lannistavia kommentteja (jos semmoisia oot ees saanut). Eihän tää nyt aina mitään unelmaa oo ollut vaan ihan elämää, mutta varmasti mielenkiintoisempaa kuin Suomessa olisi ollut.

    Ite asun aika samoilla huudeilla täällä Ruotsin puolella (Lundissa) ja tää on kyllä tosi kivaa seutua! Eurooppa on juurikin paljon lähempänä kuin Suomesta ja ihan lähimaastostakin löytyy vaikka mitä kivaa :)

    Onnea matkaan, jään seurailemaan!

    1. Siis mahtavaa kuulla et joku muukin suomalainen on ulkomaille IB:n perässä lähtenyt, en kovin montaa ihmistä tiedä, jotka näin tekevät (joten kiitos että ilmoitit olemassaolostasi hahah!). Hyvä että sulla mennyt helposti kaikki, toivon et mullekin käy samoin eikä kauheesti ongelmia matkan varrelta tulisi :). Ja oon kyllä kans ihan varma että tästä tulee paljon mielenkiintoisemmat kaks vuotta, mitä Suomessa tulisi olemaan.

      Kiitos kovasti ja sunkin blogi menee ehottomasti seuraukseen!

  2. Äää kiitos kauheesti ja hahah uskon et sunkin vaihdosta tulee varmasti ihan mahtava kokemus!!
